Commander and I enjoy Homeschooling boys (Herogian, Hawk and Gluten), raising chickens, ducks, and dogs ( Penny and Casey), eating gluten free, surviving breast cancer, coach track and field, and loving God for every minute that He gives us to cherish our family.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

need a third parent

Okay, these schedules are getting a bit ridiculous. Hubby last night decided we need a third parent in our family. With boy scouts camping on the 13-14th of next month, track decathalon on the 12-13th, track cleaning project on the 14th, soccer tournament on 13-15th, the cc course needing mowed every weekend. We are stretched a bit thin, to the point it is ridiculous.  Will have to wait and see which way the chips fall.

Last night I had this awesome dream about high jumping again. I kept clearing the bar, they raise it up two inches, and I'd wait for some people to get out of the way then jump again. Each time they raised the bar, 5, 5-2, 5-4, the number of people I had to wait on, to move out of the way, kept increasing. By the time the bar was at 5-8, it was like a cross country meet in front of me. Weird how thoughts get tangled. I never had a chance to jump at that last height. But, boy, did that ever give me the bug to want to try jumping again.

At the end of practice I asked Karoline if I could borrow her spikes and the 'J -heel' she wears. I took a couple of jumps at probably 4-11 - to maybe 5- 1.  It felt great up to the point of take off, and then gravity grabbed hold of the backside and set my butt right down on the bungee bar. Never felt so stuck to the ground in my life. It was fun though. Probably ruined my reputation as a high jump coach! Thanks Karoline for letting me try.

recruiting Friday, track meet Saturday. Doing a lot of driving. Travel mercy prayers please. Praying for no panic type attacks.  I keep telling myself "I love to drive".

Have a great weekend.


Michelle said...

Wish I were closer or I would help out. I know how it is. Sometimes I feel like I live in my car. Monday nights its karate from 5-6, gymnastics from 6-7, and boy scouts 7-8:30.....somewhere in there, I'm supposed to feed them too!! Its hectic that's for sure!

Oklahoma Granny said...

I can only imagine how busy your boys keep you but what wonderful parents they have to give them these opportunities.