Commander and I enjoy Homeschooling boys (Herogian, Hawk and Gluten), raising chickens, ducks, and dogs ( Penny and Casey), eating gluten free, surviving breast cancer, coach track and field, and loving God for every minute that He gives us to cherish our family.

Friday, April 13, 2012

2 step verification

I finally got the 2 step verification with google turned off. I can actually get to EFand B a lot easier now. Yeah.

That 2 step process was really cramping my yakity-yak time.

Here's a quick catch up.

Phone call from a son: Mom, where are you exactly?

Me: Just leaving KMart.

Son:  Well, when you get home don't be made if the house smells like smoke. ... At least the fire alarm didn't go off.

Me: Open the windows and air it out.

Son: okay. click.

The kid never says good-bye - we have to work on his phone etiquette.
At least I knew he was watching some brauts simmer on the stove and figured he boiled the pot dry. Yep.

I bought a new IPOD for my birthday, which isn't until June, but oh well, that's me. Hawk likes it that I got a new electronic device. It makes him feel smart when I have to call for help to do something on it. He set it for wi-fi yesterday at campus. Now I can check the weather before we drive to the fields.

Borg-Gluten, whatever name the third one is going by now, decided to put a pass code on my ipod.
Uh, it needs to be one I know.
Oh, yeah! Sorry.

I put a pink cover on the ipod to deter the boys from using it. Two of them have ipods. But, "yours has a camera." I'm afraid to see how many pictures are on the thing now. My camera overfloweth.

The only problem I'm having is that I haven't been able to sinc my music from the computer to the ipod. Will have to get an expert over here to show me how. ANYBODY???

Commander asked to play the games on the IPOD last night while I was reading. When he wanted to go to sleep he asked that I take all the electronics out of the room with me. I gathered up my book, cell phone, house phone, and couldn't find the IPOD.  IT was just here!!   We searched the blankets, I searched the dresser.  OH, it's in my book as the bookmark.

If you haven't read Frank Perretti's new book ILLUSION  I highly recommend it. It really pulls you into the characters, I almost cancelled school for the day, just so the boys would leave me alone and let me read.  Finished it in two evenings. I'll probably buy a copy of that book to keep as a refresher in writing style. Awesome!

My health has been getting a bit mental.  As I've posted before, something makes me woozie while driving. I get the feeling that I'm about to pass out  but don't. Tuesday I started some cardio test and will finish them today at the hospital. An electrocardiogram, tilt table test and receive a heart monitor to wear for the weekend. The thing is, I know I need to get out and drive somewhere that I really don't care to drive to, to see if the situation can be recreated. WHat joy! yes, that's sarcasm.

Have a great weekend. I hope to be back here more often now that I can get to the page.

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