It was an awesome break spending the week with family and friends in Oklahoma. The weather was HOT. Oklahoma is experiencing a drought like we had back in 1980. 50 + days then, and already at 30 now. Please pray for rain. There were two major house fires on the news. The cedars around them went up like torches.
Life@40acres it is so good to see you blogging again. I couldn't leave a message at your site. It has something to do with my account. I wanted to shoot the "bull" with you for a bit.
The reunion was fun. What a mental challenge to try and put faces and names together that I haven't seen in thirty years.
Herogian just passed out at skeet camp. gotta go. He sounds find and wants to continue but Mommie needs to get to post.
We had a bit of rain during the night. Our son who lives in OKC said they got a little too. Not nearly enough but we'll take what we can get.
I sure hope Herogian is ok. Please update when you have time.
Oh Jane, I'm so sorry about you not being able to leave a message! I'm having trouble with my blogger account and am not able to leave comments at other sites also. It's been frustrating...and also my "follower" gadget isn't working, argh!
The bulls in the pasture yesterday AM were a real pain in the posterier! We had to call the owners for each bull and have them come get them back in. We also had some of their cows get in...again, argh!
Yes, it's been crazy hot here but I've been reminded lately to not complain too much as there are many who are serving our country in places that get much hotter for much longer. I'm sure your hubby could give an Amen to that one :-).
Well, I'm about to try and see if this will post....
Blessings, Julie
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