Commander and I enjoy Homeschooling boys (Herogian, Hawk and Gluten), raising chickens, ducks, and dogs ( Penny and Casey), eating gluten free, surviving breast cancer, coach track and field, and loving God for every minute that He gives us to cherish our family.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

first camp of the summer

Herogian started the summer off with Jr. Vet camp at Bear River Ranch in Rolla, MO.  He has adopted a wallaby and a dog for the week. You can type in or It is an amazing camp with over 100 projects and activities offered to the kids, and the kids get to pick what they want to do. They are connected wth Bunk1 which allows me to send Herogian an email each day. He gets it at lunchtime and can reply from their computer room. They also have a photo gallery that you can search through and pick out pictures of your child to purchase. Then I found a connection to "Sealed with a Kiss" they send camp packages of your choosing. You can see what day it will arrive to make sure it gets there when the camper is at camp. I was able to plan ahead to other camps the boys are attending so they get a little something in the mail. This seems really important to T12. He's been asking me to make sure I send him letters at camp.
I think it is only because his friends mom sends goodies through the mail. She's a hard mom to live up too. You hear that Hillary!
Here is our happy camper with a lama and wearing his I survived the zipline t-shirt.  I guess that zipline had a strong pucker factor with it. Herogian loved it and so did T12, the other two weren't so thrilled. T12 loved it so much that he did it a second time. Since he's not very heavy, he lost momentum on one of the ziplines and stopped halfway. He had to flip over, grab the cable and pull himself hand over hand to get to the tower. He said his arms were sore that night.

Have a great day, don't get spit on by a lama.

1 comment:

Oklahoma Granny said...

What a great camp! A llama at the Kansas City zoo did spit on me once years ago when we took our kids to the zoo. YUCK!!!!!! Not an experience I would have ever wished for.