Gluten started two years ago and Herogian joined last summer. They both are 1st class. Herogian will get his patch tomorrow night. This summer with three weeks of boy scout camps, they will pick up about 15-18 merit badges. Herogian is really stacking his schedule to get the Eagle requirements done. Since he turns sixteen this summer, he has the shortest amount of time to finish before age 18. Gluten has five more years. They both are trying to reach star scout by Christmas. Commander for some unknown (boy thing) reason promised to purchase them a K-bar if they reach this goal. Gluten wants one with a Marine medallion on it. The two have really enjoyed scouts even though it was a rough start trying to figure out how to get merit badges done. But we are learning and I'm really thankful to the fathers that put in the extra time to set all the meetings and campouts up for the guys. THey put in a lot of time. The group also does a lot of fund raisers and community service, which helps on the boys transcripts for school. I've seen the two in scouts build a bond between them. They don't argue and fight as much, they joke with each other more, but also gang up on Hawk faster. I wish Hawk would join B.S. and become part of their bond, but he goes his seperate way, which now seems to be around track. I'm glad he has found an outlet. He doesn't like the outdoor stuff as much as he thought he would and the gluten intolerance issue is the chip on his shoulder. He doesn't handle it as well as Gluten.
As for the meat birds. They are huge. They eat like pigs and act like babies. Their large size makes them waddle like pregnant women on short legs stuck out at angles. They cluster away from the other birds and if seperated come running to be picked up and 'saved'. From the egg count a couple of them have already started laying. We might not wait until September to butcher. Need to research whether its five weeks or five months. I'm thinking about doing the ducks, just so the pen won't be such a mess, and we can grow some grass back in the run - I do like hearing them laugh. wahh-wahh-wahh. It just brings on a smile.
We are done with school for the summer. THis is the first summer in a long time that the boys won't be scheduled to work on math or more. They are excited about it. I need the break and time to get ready for next year. This year did not end on a positive. The lack of responsibility in completing work to the best was falling off. I think we called it Spring Fever. Gluten and I spent the day going over history test. I found that by reading the multiple choice questions to him, he answered them better. Things from last semester that he had missed, I read the question and he got it right. He was even wondering why he didn't do that in the first place.
I need to improve our organization. Herogian and Gluten can spread things out across the house. I don't get everything checked when it is finished, and leaving it for a day or two and letting them moved on caused a lot of problems this year.
I'm planning to make my master plan, but have the boys write down each day what they will need to do the following day instead of writing in a weeks worth of work for them. In this way they will have review the work, and know what they are responsible for doing the following day. ANY SUGGESTIONS HERE???
As to where we are going to keep our book crates, or shelf or what it will be, I don't know. To grade their stuff, I have to have the teachers books handy, not off in another room, or I'll never come back from the 'house's black hole'. It sucks me in and I start doing other things.
I thought I'd show you the new garden spot. This is where the trampoline was. The only problem was that the peet moss pods I started the corn in, must have smelled really good to the dogs. The middle of the brown spot did have one foot tall corn in it. There are watermelon plants in the grass around the edges.
I realized yesterday's post didn't have Hawk. Here he is.
I'm doing better - just itchy. Hobbling around on the feet hasn't been bad. Thanks for the prayers.
Have a great summer.
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