Commander and I enjoy Homeschooling boys (Herogian, Hawk and Gluten), raising chickens, ducks, and dogs ( Penny and Casey), eating gluten free, surviving breast cancer, coach track and field, and loving God for every minute that He gives us to cherish our family.

Monday, February 28, 2011

fog for brains

It started with a sore throat last Sunday. Not bad, just enough to get my attention. It's been over a week now and I've been in and out of this fog of fatique, empty space between the ears, to full mattress stuffing in the sinuses. I'm finally starting to see the world a bit clearer today. Poor Commander came down with it over the weekend. At least we know how miserable each other is feeling. A little sympathy goes a long way. It's hard to take medicine OTC. Too many of them aren't doable with thyroid disease, then if it's okay in that area it can cause liver damage. I tried one of those, won't do that again. I can tell when my liver is screaming at me to be detoxed; Milkthistle, dandelion, pomegranate, antioxidants - pour it in. 
I hope you all are staying healthy this winter.
Bring on the spring! Then we can all go to Julie's blog to see the wonderful pictures of Oklahoma.

Thanks C.B. for taking the Sunday School class.


Julie... said...

I'm so sorry for the "fog."
Being sick really stinks...especially while trying to homeschool.
Is it me or during those days when your head is stuffy and pounding and your joints feel all achy, math seems sooo unimportant and suddenly the desire to plug a favorite video in for the kiddos, shut the door to your bedroom and crawl under the blackness of your covers sounds so comforting and tempting...probably just me :-).
Thanks for plugging my blog :-).
I need to get out and get some pictures, it's so theraputic and right now I need some therapy...we're still reeling from this whole church deal. I need to be more discreet at my place as prying eyes seem to want to know what's up, if you know what I mean. Amazingly through all this, we've come closer to the Lord, yet been given the discernment that sheep really do bite. It's definitely been a lesson we'll never forget!
I need to email you about your oldest and what we had discussed briefly concerning a short stay.
Hope you're feelin' much better!

Julie... said...

LOL!!! My comment was longer than your post!!!

Michelle said...

oh my!! Hope you feel better soon!