Commander and I enjoy Homeschooling boys (Herogian, Hawk and Gluten), raising chickens, ducks, and dogs ( Penny and Casey), eating gluten free, surviving breast cancer, coach track and field, and loving God for every minute that He gives us to cherish our family.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Busy as a bee around here

This feels weird to actually be sitting at home and not driving kids around town. The last few weeks have been hecktick with house remodeling, morning practices, and afternoon practices with the weather being nice enough to be outside, schooling, working at the store, recruiting trip etc.... I'm praying that the weather will hold until this next weekend is completed and then it can blow and snow.
This coming Saturday is our KCAC Indoor Conference meet in Witchita. We will be driving 3 hours in the morning, competing in a track meet, which usually last all day, then driving back home. The last time I drove those specific roads in winter, we were caught in a blizzard. I'm not feeling to comfortable about the trip, knowing just how quickly the weather can change here on the plains.

The rooms down stairs are done. Kevin Wendts Construction did a super job. He was out here early (before 8) and sometimes after 7 at night to get the job done. He also took on the job of making a steeple chase hurdle for our track team runner to use this spring and dropped it off at the house when he brought the new doors. He was also a big help in brainstorming how to make high jump standards out of PVC pipe.
We used them this morning at practice instead of pulling the indoor soccer goals up along side the high jump pit. Can you imagine - miss the pit and land in the goal net. Scary! Baseball pitching mounds became takeoff boards for practicing form over the bar, and carpet for ceremonies in the gym make a great takeoff surface. The kids are learning to do with what we have, instead of looking at what we don't have. Don't tell the baseball team we used their mound.

Another plus this week was finding a javelin for under 250$.  This morning the fog was heavy, but one of the throwers was itching to get outside to be the first to throw it. Behind the gym is the football field. It was a picture out of the movies watching him throw the javelin into the thick cloud and have it disappear. We didn't know how far he was throwing it until he ran down the field to retrieve it. He told me I was a totally "Cool Coach" for letting him throw it. Stroked my ego.

THe recruiting and fund raising parts of the job are getting stressful- ler. Coach is getting pressure already from the school about bringing in a certain number of athletes for CC/TRACK next year (26 i think). He asked me to find at least 2 girls and 2 guys for field events. That doesn't sound like much, but it time consuming and mentally wearing to try and find athletes that might want to come to a small Catholic university. Then there is showing up at track meets and walking up to people to give them your card and talk to them. UGH! I'd rather stay behind this screen.
TOnight, I had to laugh, because a request Coach made was so unreasonable it made me hang my head. We haven't had any hits on our track clinic we are offering Feb. 25th. That's another thing I have to work on. So I get this email in the middle of sending out recruiting emails telling me to start emailing Kansas City coaches about the clinic. And just where am I supposed to get those email addresses? Our head coach is ADHDHDHD and he admits it.  I'm just turning it over to God. He knows which athletes need a motherly mentor. I'll keep sending out emails.

 Please keep our family friend, John, in your prayers, he fell last week, hitting his head against an I-beam. He crushed his nose and broke the eye socket. He is finally out of ICU but has more surgeries coming his way. He and his family are wonderful servants for the Lord.

Have a great week. Thanks for stopping by.


Julie... said...

Hi Jane. Sounds like you have been busy and I'm impressed with your "coaching" responsibilities...I could never do any of that.
I'll be praying for your friend John, his injuries sound painful.
Blessings, Julie

Oklahoma Granny said...

I haven't commented in awhile but I've been praying for your friend John and for your coaching needs. I'll add your trip to Wichita to the list.